Steven Jobs

In-House Counsel

House Rules: They Don’t Realize What They Have

This column will be published the day our year-end numbers are made public. Word on the street (and the Street) is that we should beat expectations. If true, that would be a very good thing. This isn’t inside information; it’s been opined and published in several national media outlets, and in any event, I am […]


Size Matters: Innovate

It is without question that Steve Jobs was a genius, and we will never know what he could have created with more time. As the saying goes, if you can’t beat 'em, copy 'em. Or at least that is what Valerie Katz is saying now. And luckily, she came across a blog post by Larry Bodine about what lawyers, particularly small-firm lawyers, can learn from Jobs....


Size Matters: Innovate

It is without question that Steve Jobs was a genius, and we will never know what he could have created with more time. As the saying goes, if you can’t beat 'em, copy 'em. Or at least that is what Valerie Katz is saying now. And luckily, she came across a blog post by Larry Bodine about what lawyers, particularly small-firm lawyers, can learn from Jobs....

11th Circuit

Non-Sequiturs: 10.06.11

* Saying your dog ate something isn’t a creative enough excuse these days. Try this instead: “I kept the clients’ missing money in my car, which I left running in the parking lot to keep my dead dog’s ashes from freezing. Someone then stole the car, and now the missing client money is gone forever!” […]

11th Circuit

Non-Sequiturs: 10.06.11

* Saying your dog ate something isn’t a creative enough excuse these days. Try this instead: “I kept the clients’ missing money in my car, which I left running in the parking lot to keep my dead dog’s ashes from freezing. Someone then stole the car, and now the missing client money is gone forever!” […]


Notes on the Passing of Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs passed away yesterday. And millions of people across the planet learned of the news on devices he invented. You’ve probably already heard the details. The 56-year-old chairman and co-founder of Apple had been fighting pancreatic cancer since 2004. He ran one of the most successful companies in the world, a company he founded […]


Notes on the Passing of Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs passed away yesterday. And millions of people across the planet learned of the news on devices he invented. You’ve probably already heard the details. The 56-year-old chairman and co-founder of Apple had been fighting pancreatic cancer since 2004. He ran one of the most successful companies in the world, a company he founded […]


Non-Sequiturs: 08.29.11

* Professor Laurence Tribe on “the constitutional inevitability of same-sex marriage.” [SCOTUSblog] * You can sleep when you’re dead — and you can prevail against the IRS in litigation, too (as the late Ken Lay just did). [TaxProf Blog] * Speaking of the dead, just because someone is burglarizing your business doesn’t mean you can […]


Non-Sequiturs: 01.18.11

* UVA Law grad Corwin Levi used his law school notes as his artistic canvas. I bet he has a really snazzy collar. [Ex-Lawyers Club] * Not all professors are lazy. Professor Ilya Somin hops on the “make new exam questions” bandwagon. [Volokh Conspiracy] * Professor Stephen Bainbridge has another theory on how “Tiger Mother” […]